首页 > 游戏 > 资讯>博德之门3Steam怎么退回3号补丁-Steam版本退回3号补丁方法





  要将《博德之门3》降级至补丁 4 之前版本:

  1) 打开运行 (Windows+R)

  2) 类型:steam://open/console这将打开蒸汽控制台。

  3) 在Steam控制台中键入:download_depot 1086940 1086941 3694534054212424521 这将下载热修复补丁#9库

  4) 等待下载完成,Steam 控制台会通知您下载何时完成以及下载位置

  5) 在Steam中右键单击BG3,将鼠标悬停在“管理”上,然后单击“浏览本地文件”

  6) 用你下载的仓库中的所有内容替换 BG3 本地文件中的所有内容

  7) 在Steam中右键单击BG3,单击“属性”,单击“更新”,将“自动更新”更改为“仅在我启动游戏时更新此游戏”

  8) 点击Steam窗口左上角的Steam。点击“脱机”

  9) 现在游戏不会自动更新到补丁 4,您应该使用 Hotfix #9



  To Downgrade BG3 to Pre-Patch #4:

  1) Open Run (Windows+R)

  2) Type: steam://open/console This will open the steam console.

  3) In the Steam Console type: download_depot 1086940 1086941 3694534054212424521 This will download Hotfix #9 depot

  4) Wait for it to finish downloading, the Steam Console will let you know when the download is finished and where it was put

  5) Right click on BG3 in Steam, Hover over Manage, and Click Browse Local Files

  6) Replace everything in the BG3 Local Files with everything in the depot you downloaded

  7) Right click on BG3 in Steam, Click Properties, Click Updates, Change Auto Updates to "Only Update this game when I launch the game"

  8) Click on Steam in the top left of the Steam window. Click on "Go Offline"

  9) Now the game won't auto update to Patch 4 and you should be on Hotfix #9

  Note: This is ~108GB so it will take a bit to do


    本文来源: http://m.xmbbs.cn/article/67561.html
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